Musical Portraits

Since 2009, Daniel has been composing pieces for individuals, sometimes to honor an occasion or passage in the person’s life, sometimes as a gift for a loved one. All of the compositions on “When Your Life Becomes Music,” “ Brothers and Sisters of the Soul,” and “Love’s Hidden Demands,” as well as most of the compositions on “The Irrational Quest For Beauty,” are musical portraits. The commission for a musical portrait is currently $2500, although that can vary up or down, depending on the details. That commission can either be paid directly to Daniel, or it can be paid as a tax-deductible donation to Beautiful Music In The Park, a 501c3 nonprofit that Daniel established to further - you guessed it! - beautiful music in Lithia Park in Ashland, Oregon. You can find out more about that project here.

Daniel has interviewed as many as ten family members to get familiar with the person who is the subject of the portrait. He has composed musical portraits in honor of a marriage, to celebrate a piece of land, to honor wildlife and endangered species, and as a posthumous evocation of gratitude for a dear one passed on. Please visit this page to hear examples of these pieces. To inquire about a musical portrait of your own, please fill out the form below.

Daniel Sperry