Launching This Blog

All of this that I have written so far, I approve of. I know it might sound funny to say something like, “ I approve of myself. I approve of my story.”. What I really mean is that I am trying to make it interesting and it is pretty interesting, so far! Because, look: I have created two beautiful musical portraits in about 46 hours, which took place over the course of a month, in between all the other things I had to do to keep things in order. And I have never accomplished such a thing before.

Now the task is going to be: can I find two more people that would like to commission a musical portrait each, to bring in enough money for me to survive through January? And, you know, I don’t know the answer to that yet. I have two pieces I will be working on in the next four weeks. So the actual work is cut out for me. The part where I get to eat is not. For some people, this might be freak out time. But I do have a certain amount of faith. I am tracking everything that is happening every day, and talking to people who might be able to spread the word. You can, too. Just point your friends over here.

I am in a kind of steady state with Tik Tok at 145 followers. It isn’t going as fast as it was, and I’m not sure why. But it only leads me to experiement a little more, to see what causes folks to want to click that Follow button. I’m not too worried about that.

So I want to summarize what I have for you at this time of launching. I have a little write up about the idea behind this blog called Does Everything Fit Together?

If you start there, you can have a look at the other little stories - about the surgery I may have in January - fun stuff! - about how my bike is out of commission, about how I stay calm, about what I am planning to do to support myself, and about my thoughts on patronage.

I am so grateful you have come tot check this out. I am going to try to put some videos on these pages to make it a little more interesting. I will be back soon!

Daniel Sperry